There are so many ways for you to save time, money, and energy. Let me get you all set up and organized. Whether you have a super tight budget or unlimited funds (I’ve had both), these steps will set you up for success and get you to that next step you deserve to be at. You know how I feel about planning, getting up early, and putting in the work. Be more productive with your scheduling. Plan your day, week, month, or even year out at a glance. This will save you time. I just briefly want to mention the power of a good high highlighting system. I’ve been using one for years, and I have strategically designated specific colors to map out and guide me through my days, weeks, months, and year.
They all have a meaning and responsibility to show me where I belong and at what time. I do a lot, like you, and so do you! The reason why I’m successful is because I know how to make shit happen. Get yourself organized number one. Plan with some time. Save your receipts and organize them in categories and per month. Do this with medical records, business, and household items as well. Execute a plan that you know you will stick to and one that will keep you on your toes and organized. I’ve been using this system for years. Again, envelopes and black markers are available from your local dollar store. Also, if you have returns to make, following up with a doctor or looking for an older invoice, you can find what you are looking for in a much shorter period.
Planning a menu or meals in advance will save you a ton of money because you’re not throwing random ingredients together in the fridge you are preparing in advance. I live in San Diego, one of the most expensive cities in the country. If I can buy $20 worth of fruits and vegetables to juice every morning for two weeks, you can too. Obviously, it is going to be a little bit more for a family, but you get what I am saying…
Groceries here are in abundance. I literally go to four different stores to get all the basics. Six, if you count my specialty items. By the way, the better foods, fruit, and veggies you eat, the more energy you’ll have. If you plan a menu on the weekend for the upcoming week, just think about how much more time and energy you will have for your friends and family and/or business. I have a lot of delicious recipes that you can create and freeze. Yes, I’m a huge fan of the freezer and have simplified some good techniques.
Make extra meals per week and freeze so you don’t get sick of the same thing every day, especially if you are meal prepping. When your homemade almond milk or fruit smoothies are sitting in the fridge about to go bad, freeze them into iced cubes and add them to your coffee and smoothies. When you buy all the veggies to juice and they are about to expire, create a delicious detox soup to clean you out. I am not a nutritionist; I’m just speaking from experience.
When you get your fruit and veggies home from the store, wash them and prep them right away. An excellent idea that will add more storage space to your fridge. When everything is already prepped, you’ll have a fridge and freezer full of options. This really comes in handy on those busy days you want to eat an unhealthy snack or if you’re a busy, on the go type of person. Portion out your snacks and meals in to-go containers.
If you’ve already put in the time and energy creating delicious options, please make sure to spend the time organizing your fridge, freezer, and pantry exactly how you want it. If you are the one doing all the cooking, then you are going to want everything you use daily to be easily accessible. Always have a running grocery list. Produce, dry goods, miscellaneous. Try to get everything at once and stock up. Again, saving you time, money, and energy. Have fun creating and designing the fridge that makes sense to you and/or your family. Please remember to just enjoy this overall process. If this isn’t your cup of tea, then delegate someone else to do it and put your feet up and enjoy that tea! Wink.
I never buy enough where I cannot find it. I always need to see everything I have so that I can create meals with my “use what you have method.” Once I knew I was going to be sharing recipes with you, I went to target and the dollar store to buy containers that I would need to hold all my new spices.
I have one for small spaces, large spices, and other pantry items. I’ll organize some on my shelf and the rest is in my pantry in my room, as I shared with you earlier. If you ask me where everything is right now, I could tell you exactly. You should be able to do the same. If you have way too much, you need to start creating meals, soups, etc.
A serious fridge and freezer cleanout and organized pantry party should happen somewhere in your near future. Contact me, and I’ll give you some tips. You know, I still have friends and clients that call me asking me where everything is in their pantry, office, and desktop I organized for them years ago. For some crazy reason, I always remember. I guess I’m pretty good at organizing and/or have a photographic memory.
Let’s do another little recap, shall we?
Saving time will allow you to live without regret. We only have so much time here. Save money where you can so that you can indulge in something bigger. Cancel subscriptions you are not using and watch that money come back to you. Energy. We all need it. Eat healthy so that you can enjoy more of your life. Isn’t that what we all want?
Can’t wait for the rest of the series? Grab your own personal growth and self-improvement guides here!
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Mastering Your Podcast Launch: A Step-by-Step Guide for 2024. A Substack Exclusive (365)
If you would like to work together whether that be getting organized in your home or business, please reach out to me today! I would be honored to help you get to where you truly want to be at in life! Send me a message for a discount off my services today! Just mention you saw this series on Substack!
Wishing you a happy, healthy, positive, and productive month!
Talk soon,
Kelly Ann Gorman